Human-Scale Planning in an Object-Oriented World

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Today I attended an event about public space for public life. It focused on what it means to have a city be planned for its people, and how to maximize public spaces so that people actually use them.

City staff (Acting Chief Planner Gregg Lintern and Parks & Rec Manager Janie Romoff) emphasized that planning such spaces constantly requires an immense amount of forward thinking. Gregg provided an example of the lower deck built into the Bloor Viaduct when constructed in 1913, despite a subway not being built for another 40 years. The lower deck was constructed in anticipation of a mass transit rail line, but had substantial push back by constituents and politicians due to the enormous cost and no immediate gratification. Janie then followed by providing more recent examples of parks that begun being thought about decades ago – Berczy Park, Grange Park, and the coming of College Park, Dr. Lillian McGregor Park and Mouth of the Creek Park. I immediately thought of the Waterfront Renewal and wondered how the plan will incorporate the Toronto of 2070 and beyond.

The idea of parks and streets being seamless was also reinforced. There should be no edge or distinction between what exists for leisure and what exists for practical use. I love this idea. Public spaces should not be segregated. I always try to include a route through a park during my commutes. Planning done right, I think, is the type that blurs the lines for me so that I can’t distinguish if this part of the route is a park or regular street, since it’s all so pleasant.

Finally, the star of the show was Jan Gehl – an architect and urban designer that I often heard about but never really studied. Jan described that the problems with old planning paradigms was their focus on cars, objects, and the ‘modern man’. Buildings aren’t going to interact with each other, and we sure as hell don’t want cars interacting with the buildings. The breath of cities is made of people, not objects, so why are we focusing on how pretty a birds-eye view of a neighbourhood is instead of walking through it and observing its human interactions?

Jan talked about the baby boomer effect – how Copenhagen appears to have an overwhelming amount of kids, while the reality is that the city (unlike many others) is built to encourage kids being outside. He joked that Moscow’s baby boom was a result of the well-planned public spaces that facilitate romantic dates and looking at girls.

Shortly put, Jan advocated for planning cities with a human scale. If you build freeways, you’ll have to erect large ads that can be read at 60km/hr and additional hospitals for the sick who sit all the time. If you build bike lanes for cyclists and street furniture for pedestrians, people will never go back to their house – the city’s entire public landscape becomes a place to call home.

21 Don Roadway: An expo, eventual redevelopment, and a lot of soap.

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Early in October, I had the pleasure of visiting the old Unilever Soap Factory at 21 Don Roadway to participate in EDIT: Expo for Design, Innovation and Technology. It was a unique experience that exposed me to the power of collective action in an unlikely place. EDIT crew were able to plan and execute this event in the chemical-laden shell of a factory that allowed organizations to present their projects that better the world. It was exhilarating to see visitors engaged in thought and conversation about topics that do not get as much attention as they should.

To scratch the surface of mountain of exhibitions and installations I interacted with… I tried kale that grew out of a shipping container on a vertical soilless farm wall – a process that uses LED recipes (photosynthesis, anyone?) to enhance flavours and nutritional levels. I played with a motion-controlled sink to change water temperature and flow rate, designed for those with mobility issues. I wrote a letter to the mayor that will be hand-delivered along with the dozens of others written by local planners and architects. I walked through the 4-level expo several times, and each time a previously-missed nuance caught my attention and taught me something new.

The initial draw to the event for me, however, was the awesome building itself. Opportunities to visit abandoned factories are hard to come by in Toronto, so I jumped at the chance. It’s been nearly 8 years since Unilever moved out of the 6-storey factory, and it now belongs to First Gulf Corp., who plans on redeveloping the area into an office park and transportation hub. The factory itself will be repurposed into office space, and the nearby warehouse will be refurbished. The entire plan seems idealistic, as most redevelopments do, but grasps at the immense potential of the waterfront – just consider the recent announcement of Google’s Sidewalk Labs coming to the Port Lands! The factory is a much-needed piece of history that will represent the waterfront’s origins and add heritage to the new. I also appreciate the existing waterfront developments, and I highly recommend exploring the nearby Canary District and Corktown Commons. Both are good examples of walkable multi-use spaces that can be extended along the lake.

In the meantime of waiting for shovels to break ground, the factory being rented out for the low price of $10,000 a day.